
TeamService Partners

Camila dos Santos de Carvalho Stein

Academic Background

Bachelor of Laws by University Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU) – 2018
Postgraduated in Civil Procedural Law by the University Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC) – 2020

Professional Experience

Lawyer at Contractual Field – 1 year
Actuation with civil law and contracts analysis. Confection, interposition and supervision of manifestations and appeals, management and control of spreadsheets and deadlines, case law researches, doctrine researches, interns coordination, hearings, procedural mapping, confection of juridical reports, evaluation of risks directly with assisted, analysis, reviews and confection of contracts, among other fundamental daily activities.

Lawyer at Consumer Law – 2 years
Actuation with civil contentions and consumer law. Procedural instruction, sentence and ruling analysis, conviction calculations confection and analysis, confection and calculation of appeal guides, hearings, actuation on the whole country .

Lawyer at Insurance Law – 3 years
Extensive actuation at international transport law and insurance law. Dealing directly with insurance companies and freight forwarders, analysis of specific shipping documents, like Proforma Invoice, Packing List, Bill of Lading, etc. Confection and review of petitions, contestations, manifestations and appeals, thesis development, management of deadlines and spreadsheets, hearings and oral statements, among other fundamental daily activities.


English, Spanish, German and Portuguese.

Santos Bevilaqua Advogados

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