
Our practices

Private Pension, Supplementary Health and Benefits

  • Restructuring and reviewing supplementary pension and health benefit programs, with a view to reducing and/or managing liabilities
  • Drafting and reviewing health plan contracts, supplementary pension plan regulations and bylaws of closed supplementary pension entities
  • Managing the impact of changes on benefit policies
  • Formatting, analyzing and reviewing compliance programs
  • Guidance on adopting the most appropriate and least costly procedures to comply with legislation
  • Legal Opinions and guidance on legal risks and solutions, including and especially in accordance with the applicable laws and rules issued by the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN), the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), the National Supplementary Pension Superintendence (PREVIC) and the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS)
  • Assistance in administrative sanctioning proceedings of all kinds
  • Support in relations with supervisory bodies-drafting and reviewing responses to letters, queries and defining strategies in inspections and other specific situations
  • Structuring solutions for settling liabilities relating to benefits in the context of corporate mergers and acquisitions;
Santos Bevilaqua Advogados

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