


Latam Insurance and Reinsurance Hub in Brazil

17 de July de 2018

Santos Bevilaqua is working together with SUSEP (the Brazilian Insurance Supervisor) and the Brazilian Reinsurance Companies Association, on the elaboration of new regulations to develop […]

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Santos Bevilaqua invites you to the Global Insurance Law Connect Spring Seminar Programme for Corporates

04 de May de 2018

Santos Bevilaqua invites you to the Global Insurance Law Connect Spring Seminar Programme for Corporates:

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CNPC Resolution No. 26: Seven Points To Which The EFPCs Should Pay Attention When Apopting The Remote Transactions

19 de April de 2018

Dando continuidade à série de comentários às novas Resoluções publicadas pelo Conselho Nacional de Previdência Complementar – CNPC, abordaremos a Resolução nº 26, que dispõe […]

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Santos Bevilaqua Advogados was one of the sponsors of the 7th Reinsurance Meeting. Our Founding Partner João Marcelo dos Santos was one of the speakers

16 de April de 2018

Santos Bevilaqua sponsored the 7th Reinsurance Meeting, held on April 11 and 12, 2018, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The meeting was attended […]

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CNPC Resolution No. 28: How Will The So-Called “PGA Per Entity” Work Out?

10 de April de 2018

Last week, the National Council of Private Social Security – CNPC published four Resolutions, among them the expected rule for the so-called Administrative Management Plan […]

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Audit At EFPCs: Changes Deriving From CNPC Resolution No. 27

04 de April de 2018

The National Council for Supplementary Social Security (CNPC) issued yesterday (April 3) four Resolutions on matters of great relevance to the segment. In this article, […]

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Santos Bevilaqua Advogados

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